The Cootie Prevention Plan...

It's not easy trying to sneak out of the Country during flu season, let alone out of the office. But by the grace of the Most High God, I managed to duck out... almost untouched.

I woke up Monday morning feeling fresh and fine, came to work, and by end of the day it was almost a MAN DOWN situation for me! People were dropping like flies all around me (Yes, I'm being dramatic) and all I could do was dodge them like a football player... (No, I don't know how to play football. But I know you have to run far away from the guy that's chasing you, right?)

A personal word of advice: 
Stay away from people! 
As "Yahanna (Best Beard in the Village) Benjamite" always says at flu season: 
"2 Coughs and a Sneeze is ALL you get!"

(think about it.. and run!)

Also, stay away from MEN who refuse to grow up... (They have cooties!)


Pa Morlai, said...

I did not know that you can sing that well.
Keep it up girl.
Already missing you.

Danni Nicole Bethea said...

I miss you too Morlai! Thank you. We'll be in touch friend.

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