Uh... Dad? You can let go now...

It's so hard to let your kids grow up and fly the coup... or country.

But there comes a time comes when you gotta let them go.

And ummm, now would be a good time...

XOXO... Baby girl!

They Stamped Me... They really stamped me!!!

VISA? ...Check Woo-hoo!

I love that the people at the Embassy got me in and out in less than 2 hours. And they even tattooed my blue book!

It's official folks... I'm on my way. They really stamped me. Suckers!

Deuces people. Deuces!

Beauty does have a name... TIM!

Daddy Dallas (J. Logan) said it best when he said that beauty had a name. And Tim's face confirmed that IT DOES!

Between work, running errands and taking care of last minute details for Africa, I put off doing laundry one day too many. (And Thank Goodness for that!) Everyone knows what a chore (and bore) laundry can be... especially when you're packing to move. But not everyone knows what a chance meeting in the laundromat can do for a tired girl like me.

Um.. hello... Tim...? Have I invited you to my House Warming party... In Africa?

World... meet Tim! Tim... meet the world!

Oh my... I think I just dirtied my *towel all up! (hint, hint)  If your towels are dirty too, maybe we'll meet again. *Please note: Towels can be substituted with socks, sheets, blankets, jeans, shirts, curtains, your neighbors clothes, your laundry bag, or anything else that will allow you to wash again. Amen?

"Ladies... Talk Amongst Yourselves!"


The Cootie Prevention Plan...

It's not easy trying to sneak out of the Country during flu season, let alone out of the office. But by the grace of the Most High God, I managed to duck out... almost untouched.

I woke up Monday morning feeling fresh and fine, came to work, and by end of the day it was almost a MAN DOWN situation for me! People were dropping like flies all around me (Yes, I'm being dramatic) and all I could do was dodge them like a football player... (No, I don't know how to play football. But I know you have to run far away from the guy that's chasing you, right?)

A personal word of advice: 
Stay away from people! 
As "Yahanna (Best Beard in the Village) Benjamite" always says at flu season: 
"2 Coughs and a Sneeze is ALL you get!"

(think about it.. and run!)

Also, stay away from MEN who refuse to grow up... (They have cooties!)

Join the Nation of DONATION!!!

This is how Prince Akeem must have felt when he put his finger on the globe and chose QUEENS. I'm just as green as he was when I chose to explore all that Ghana has to offer. I know of all of the rumors, stereo-types, and misconceptions that have been taught to America about the Continent of Africa. So hopefully my adventure can help to shed some light, beauty, and perhaps a change of mind, for you and me alike. Enjoy!!!

And while you're at it... care to share a little love? The OFFERING kind. After all, the children (ME) are your future...Amen?

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